Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rock This? Beat That! --- "Urban Safari"

I've always had a thing for "oxys" --- oxymorons that is.  Those charming little phrases that combine completely contradictory terms (like "jumbo shrimp" and "organized chaos") tickle my fancy every time I hear them.

Last week, I came across a real humdinger of an oxy just flipping through the pages of Lucky Magazine's most recent issue (June/July 2013). 

Urban Safari the title said.  Like all great oxys, it "Huh-ed?" first --- and "Ohhh-ed" second.  And with Olivia Palermo's "Sex In The Serengeti" look right beside it, it was pure paradoxical simplicity. (wink)

Check out the Polyvore layout I created below, and start making your everyday wear-to-work classics more "adventureous."  First, enjoy this installment of my "Rock This? Beat That!*" series.  Then, stay tuned for more posts showcasing the perfect makeup products side by side with season's hottest trends.  Still haven't joined my #makeuprevolution?  What are you waiting for??? 

Urban Safari

*The word "beat" in this context is makeup artist (MUA) slang for makeup done right!  Ex. From one MUA to another: "Let me see how that client's face turned out. (Looks at client) Wow girl!  You really BEAT that face!" (smile)

1 comment:

Laura Lilia said...

Nice outfit, is gorgeous